Saturday, March 20, 2010


In a computer there are 2 types of storage mediums available
a) Primary Storage.
b) Secondary Storage.

Primary Storage : This storage medium is volatile in nature. ie it stores data temporarily and
when the computer is switched off the data stored is disappeared. So one can't use this medium
to store the day to day life's data and also the size of such storage media is not big.
eg: RAM.

Secondary Storage: Hence the need for secondary storage developed. This storage media is non volatile in nature. ie the data once stored never erases unless erased manually. Since i have chosen to write a blog on Secondary Storage Devices. So will like to share more info on these devices.

Types of Secondary Storage Devices:
a) Floppy Disks
b)Hard Disks
c)Pen Drive
d) DVDs/CDs

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